Personal Trainer Michael - Personal Training - Client Agreement
Agreement between Consolidated Executive Entertainment Group, Inc., dba Personal Trainer Michael and _________________________________ (client).
1. Client represents that he/she is in physically condition to start exercise/rehabilitation and is aware of no physical reason which would prohibit him/her from safely participating in an exercise program.
2. Client understands that Personal Trainer Michael is not a medical practitioner. Client agrees or put him or her at risk from such participation to discuss any questions or concerns of health or ability to safely comply with the program, with client’s own physician and to report the results of such discussions, as well as the concerns, to Personal Trainer Michael immediately.
3. Client agrees that all exercise, and uses of facilities, are undertaken by client, at the sole risk of client, and that no claims for any injuries or damages whatsoever to person or property of client arising out of the client’s participation in Personal Trainer Michael’s Exercise/Rehabilitation Program shall be made.
4. Client grants permission to be photographed or videotaped and grants permission to Personal Trainer Michael for online and print use to promote his business like on social media and other ways of advertisement.
5. Client agrees to inform Personal Trainer Michael immediately when running late or if client needs to cancel or reschedule.
6. Client understands that a work out session can vary from 25 to 30 minutes.
7. Client agrees to turn off his/her phone while working out at the gym and to put away anything brought into the gym.
8. Client agrees to pay $35.00 returned check fee in case of a bounced check payment and $25.00 for every week payment is late.
My tardiness policy:
I have a very busy schedule; therefore time is very important to me. Please arrive at the gym a few minutes before your appointment time, so you have time to get ready. If you are late arriving for a training session, you may not get the full amount of time allotted for your workout.
My rescheduling and cancelation policy:
I operate on a scheduled appointment basis for all Private Training Sessions and I have limited selected clients.
Client will pay for a full session for appointments cancelled with less than 12 hours prior notice.
Client may cancel or reschedule his/her appointment at NO charge with 12 hours or more prior notice.
Please call or TEXT me as soon as you find out that you won’t be able to make your appointment.
Payment options:
I accept payment in the form of Cash, Personal Check, Apple Cash and Zelle.
Refund Policy:
Client agrees that all sales are final. No refunds. Refunds of unused pre-paid sessions are available for only the following two reasons:
1. Client notifies Personal Trainer Michael that client is canceling this agreement, prior to midnight of the first business day following the first personally supervised exercise session.
2. Client will be granted a pro-rata refund for sessions and services not performed effective within 72 hours after client has provided Personal Trainer Michael with a medical doctor’s written statement that client should not continue the sessions and services due to medical reason(s).
Waiver & Release Form
1. In consideration of being allowed to participate in the personal fitness training activities and programs of Personal Trainer Michael and to use his facilities, equipment and services, in addition to the payment of any fee or charge, I do hereby forever waive, release and discharge Personal Trainer Michael and its officers, agents, employees, representatives, executors and all others acting on his behalf from any and all claims or liabilities for injuries or damages to my person and/or property, including those caused by the negligent act or omission of any of those mentioned or others acting on his behalf, arising out of or connected with my participation in any activities, programs or services of Personal Trainer Michael or the use of any equipment at various sites, including home, provided by and/or recommended by Personal Trainer Michael.
2. I have been informed of, understand and am aware that strength, flexibility and aerobic exercise, including the use of equipment, are potentially hazardous activities. I also have been informed of, understand and am aware that fitness activities involve a risk of injury, including a remote risk of death or serious disability, and that I am voluntarily participating in these activities and using equipment and machinery with full knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the dangers involved. I hereby agree to expressly assume and accept any and all risks of injury or death.
3. I do hereby further declare myself to be physically sound and suffering from no condition, impairment, disease, infirmity or other illness that would prevent my participation in these activities or use of equipment or machinery. I do hereby acknowledge that I have been informed of the need for a physician’s approval for my participation in the exercise activities, programs and use of exercise equipment. I also acknowledge that it has been recommended that I have a yearly or more frequent physical examination and consultation with my physician as to physical activity, exercise and use of exercise equipment. I acknowledge that either I have had a physical examination and have been given my physician’s permission to participate or I have decided to participate in the exercise activities, programs and use of equipment without the approval of my physician and do hereby assume all responsibility for my participation in said activities, programs and use of equipment.
4. I understand that Personal Trainer Michael providing and maintaining an exercise/fitness program for me does not constitute an acknowledgment, representation or indication of my physiological well-being or a medical opinion relating thereto.
Note: Should any part of this agreement is found by a court of law to be against public policy or in violation of any state statute or case precedence, then the remainder of this document will remain in full force.
Printed name: ________________________________
Signature: ________________________________
Date: ____________________
Payment Agreement between Consolidated Executive Entertainment Group, Inc., dba Personal Trainer Michael and
__________________________________ (client)
Membership Rules
• All memberships must be paid monthly in advance.
• Schedule and attend all sessions within the month. No refunds or discounts for unused sessions.
Payment of $____________ for each month must be made before or on the 1st of every month.
My payment entitles me to 1 2 3 sessions per week for 30 minutes each session.
It is my responsibility to schedule and attend all sessions within my session block. I will NOT receive any refunds or discounting of payments as a result of unused sessions.
Any scheduled session(s) that I do not attend (without proper cancellation, see my tardiness, rescheduling and cancellation policy below) is charged like a used session.
To cancel this agreement I must give notice to Personal Trainer Michael at least 10 days before the next month. I will not receive any refunds for failure to give timely notice of cancellation.
Tardiness, rescheduling and cancellation policy:
I may reschedule a sessions with proper notice in advance and within the same month.
Proper rescheduling notice in advance is 12 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. Anything less than 12 hours prior notice is considered a cancelled session. Late arrivals may result in reduced workout time.
You may share your remaining sessions with a family member or friend if you can’t attend a makeup session. Provide written notice (via text) with the name of the person using your session(s).
I agree to the outlined terms and conditions.
Printed name: ________________________________
Signed name: ________________________________
Date: ____________________
Note from Personal Trainer Michael:
My goal is to get you on a great workout program with consistency which will get you better and faster results.
*rates are based on 4.3 weeks a month